Spouse reunification

We can help you if you want spouse reunification in Denmark. If you want your wife/husband or partner to come to Denmark on a residence permit as a family reunification (spouse reunification), you must meet certain conditions. Contact one of our lawyers to help you assess your options and make a concrete plan for the complicated process.  


The rules on spouse reunification are constantly changing, and the general trend is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to bring your partner or spouse to Denmark on a residence permit. Therefore, it may be a good idea to contact us so that you can get an early clarification of whether you meet the conditions. We will also assess whether you may be able to get an exemption from some of the conditions. See the conditions further down the page.  


Please note that if an application for family reunification is submitted while your partner or spouse is in Denmark, the applicant will be granted procedural residence during the process. This means that the applicant may be allowed to stay in Denmark until the final decision in the case. Our lawyers will advise you on this and ask the Danish Immigration Service for a quick confirmation.  


Conversely, an appeal to the Immigration Appeals Board does not generally result in the right to continue staying in the country during the process.  

Legal fees for spousal reunification

You can see an overview of all our prices here. 


We always assess the options in your case before we start the application process, so you have an idea of the outcome. You must pay a deposit of DKK 6,000 before we start the major assessment. This will be deducted from the final price. 


Your application for spouse reunification is submitted to the Danish Immigration Service in Denmark or at a Danish embassy or representation in your home country and costs a fee of DKK 8,575 (2024 level). 


An appeal against a refusal must be filed with The Immigration Board within 8 weeks and costs DKK 960 in fees (2024 level). 

Why you should choose one of our lawyers

  • Our lawyers specialize in family reunification  
  • We advise you throughout the process so you feel confident 
  • We ensure fast case processing and handling of further communication with the agency  
  • We will always keep you updated on the case and send you status updates  

Conditions for spouse reunification

  • You must be married or have been cohabiting for at least a year and a half 
  • Your marriage must not be a forced or sham marriage 
  • Your marriage must be valid under Danish law 
  • You must both be at least 24 years old  
  • The resident must have a permanent residence permit, be a Danish citizen or a refugee (asylum)
  • You must not have been convicted of committing violence against a possible former spouse  
  • You must meet at least 4 out of 6 conditions in the integration requirement  
  • The resident must not have received public benefits three years prior to the family reunification decision  
  • The resident must have a self-contained accommodation with a minimum of 20 m² per person or a maximum of two people per room 
  • The home must not be located in a residential area covered by the housing requirement list ("ghetto list")  
  • The resident must be able to provide a financial guarantee of DKK 104,040.00 (2020 level) 
  • Your wife or husband must have visited Denmark at least once before


It is only required that you fulfill at least 4 out of the 6 conditions of the integration requirement. The conditions in the integration requirement include the following:


  1. The resident must have passed a Danish 3 exam (9th and 10th grade counts) 
  2. The resident must have had at least 6 years of education in Denmark (primary school counts)  
  3. The resident must have worked full-time for at least 5 years  
  4. The applicant must have passed a Danish 1 exam or an English B1 exam  
  5. The applicant must have completed at least one year of higher education  
  6. The applicant must have worked full-time for at least 3 years out of the last 5 years

Circumstances that mitigate the conditions for spousal reunification

If you are a Danish citizen, you do not need to fulfill the transferred conditions for permanent residence, which are part of the application.  


If you have minor children with a former spouse or cohabiting partner, are seriously ill or have a serious disability, you can request an exemption from some of the conditions. However, your marriage must not be a forced or sham marriage, your marriage must be valid under Danish law, and you must not have committed violence against any previous wives or husbands. 


Contact one of our lawyers for a specific assessment of your chances of being granted an exemption from the requirements.  

    Need a lawyer?

    Give us a call on +45 72 14 11 15 or fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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    Contact one of our spouse reunification experts

    Advokat (L), Partner,
    Interpreter / legal consultant